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Posted by LEEMAGICFISH - -

"Other Fun Activities"
  • How To Conduct An Interview
    1. Designed to help children learn how to ask certain questions to their classmates.
    2. The teacher will lead students to realize which questions will produce the kinds of answers they are seeking; questions that can be answered "yes" or "no" will be avoided.
    3. Children can compare and contrast their thoughts about each other's interest.
    4. Children will begin to practice writing interview questions by generating 5~8 questions.
    5. Children will learn how to generate questions and models how to write interview questions. They will use the answers and write a composition that they share with their interviewee.

    • Debate
      1. Debating is a useful, lifelong skill for all students.
      2. Competitive debating has a specific format to help focus the argument and maintain order in the discussion.
      3. In a debate, two sides argue a proposition. A proposition is a debate subject that can be discussed from opposing points of view. 
      4. Each student will learn how to make a statement about the preposition and a rebuttal statement to his/her classmate thoroughly upon a specific topic.

        • Descriptive Writing Techniques 
          1.      Object Writing : 'Think! Write it! Share it!' 
            Objective : Take the topic  or object that you are going to write about and picture it in your mind. Use your creative mind to generate free writing. Write every detail about the object that you can remember.
                  Sketch an Object : Sketch it! Visualize it! Explore it!
            Objective : Don't worry about how well you can draw or being an artist. The sketch that you draw is just for your own benefit to help you fully explore and visualize the details of the object.
                  Object Mystery : Describe it! Investigate it! Explain it!
            Objective : The main idea is that the use of touch is vital to distinguish most objects. They will start to record by writing about their objects on paper. Have the students draw the object and after the activity they will write and reflect about the experience they had. They are able to reflect on how they felt as they reached into the bag.